Common sense application and development of mixer

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Mixer is the use of mechanical force and gravity, will be two and more than two kinds of materials evenly mixed up machinery. Mixers are widely used in various industries and daily life. For example, in the pharmaceutical industry, the raw materials of different components are evenly mixed together to form a compound; the contact surface area of the material can also be increased to promote chemical reactions; it can also accelerate physical changes, such as granular solute added to the solvent, which can accelerate the dissolution and mixing by the action of the mixing machine.

Mixer is the use of mechanical force and gravity, will be two and more than two kinds of materials evenly mixed up machinery. Mixers are widely used in various industries and daily life. For example, in the pharmaceutical industry, the raw materials of different components are evenly mixed together to form a compound; the contact surface area of the material can also be increased to promote chemical reactions; it can also accelerate physical changes, such as granular solute added to the solvent, which can accelerate the dissolution and mixing by the action of the mixing machine.
Mixing requires uniform distribution of all materials involved in mixing. The degree of mixing is divided into three states: ideal mixing, random mixing and complete non-mixing. The degree of mixing of the various materials in the mixing machine depends on the proportion, physical state and characteristics of the materials to be mixed, as well as the type of mixing machine used and the duration of the mixing operation.

Experts say that many users choose the original domestic vertical cone mixing equipment in terms of powder and powder mixing equipment, but experts suggest that due to the many shortcomings and high maintenance rate of vertical cone mixers, horizontal mixers should be selected when mixing powder/powder or granular materials. The equipment has high mixing efficiency, good mixing quality, short unloading time and less residue.

The market potential of our country's mixer is very large, and foreign enterprises should also share this cake. Compared with foreign enterprises, there is a gap in the manufacture of our country's mixer, of course, there are certain advantages. In short, we still need technical support to compete with foreign enterprises. Innovation is the foundation of enterprises.

As a sunrise industry, the development space of mixer machinery industry is undoubtedly huge. With the support of national policy, there is a lot of room for development in China's mixer machinery industry. The mixer machinery industry should seize this historical opportunity, do a good job of digestion and absorption on the basis of re-innovation, and speed up the pace of localization of large-scale key equipment.

To speed up the upgrading of the mixer industry, it is necessary to actively promote the establishment and improvement of the technological innovation system with enterprises as the main body, strengthen the integrated innovation ability of enterprises on the basis of digestion and absorption, increase development strength and capital investment, take innovation as the driving force, constantly move closer to advanced technology, and promote the development of the whole hybrid machinery industry, so as to promote the virtuous circle of the industry.