Big health industry calls for high-performance medicine machine

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With the end of China's one-child system, the proportion of the aging population will become higher and higher for a long time. Those who have just entered the ranks of the elderly pay far more attention to their own health problems than their predecessors. In the era when filling their stomachs became the main task, physical health can only be a luxury. Today's situation has been greatly improved. The new generation of middle-aged and elderly people have a sense of attention to physical health, there is also a stronger economic capacity than its predecessors, and the resulting market growth of the big health industry is obvious. And another embarrassing thing is that the physical condition of the Chinese people is not optimistic.

With the end of China's one-child system, the proportion of the aging population will become higher and higher for a long time. Those who have just entered the ranks of the elderly pay far more attention to their own health problems than their predecessors. In the era when filling their stomachs became the main task, physical health can only be a luxury. Today's situation has been greatly improved. The new generation of middle-aged and elderly people have a sense of attention to physical health, there is also a stronger economic capacity than its predecessors, and the resulting market growth of the big health industry is obvious.
Another embarrassing thing is that the physical condition of the Chinese people is not optimistic. From the current situation of children's education, it can be found that advocating a strong body seems to be incompatible with the requirements of exam-oriented education. Teenagers in their school days spend most of their time dealing with exams and homework at all levels, so that they occupy normal sleep and can only occasionally play ball games and swim. There are a lot of data showing that the physical condition of Chinese young people is not optimistic. There is a lot of data to show that the physical condition of young people in China is not optimistic.
A considerable number of young people with weak physical foundation have developed many bad living habits. Take smoking as an example. According to the survey, the number of smokers in China has a trend of younger age and feminization. China has become the largest tobacco producer in the world. At the same time, it is also the largest tobacco consumer. And there are more and more teenagers indulging in video games, especially those left behind children whose parents are working abroad.
The situation in the workplace is also not optimistic. Compared with the situation in developed countries in Europe and the United States, due to the low industrial structure and productivity, employees in the Chinese workplace face more overtime work, not only in the work sites of factories and construction sites, but even in most catering and entertainment venues, activities motivated by business purposes can be found everywhere, and even those who are entertained feel overwhelmed, however, many salespeople who have to work until the early hours of the morning under the pressure of performance every day are already suffering from chronic diseases. Higher and higher housing prices have put greater pressure on young people from rural or underdeveloped areas to survive. In order to pay high down payments and monthly payments that account for more than 50% of wages, it is only natural for those who are not strong enough physically and mentally since childhood. For children, it is also a matter of course to have more physical and psychological problems. The most representative data is the decline in the successful conception rate of the school-age population.
China, which has just stepped into the threshold of modernization, is facing the overdraft of Chinese people's health. As a supplier of medicines and health products equipment, practitioners are enjoying the benefits brought by this severe situation to the rapid development of the big health industry, although this The good news is heartbreaking. At the end of intensive pharmaceutical equipment investment brought by GMP policy, the problems discussed in this paper have increasingly become the rigid demand for the development of large health industry. The growth of market demand has formed a huge contrast with the supply level of the industry, which is very similar to the situation faced by the whole country at the strategic level, whether it is drugs and health products, or upstream equipment manufacturers, there is a surplus of low-end products and a shortage of high-quality products to varying degrees. Promoting supply-side structural reforms and unswervingly reducing production capacity and adjusting the structure have also become urgent problems facing the big health industry.
The vast majority of western medicine varieties in China are mostly generic drugs. Many generic drugs on the market have wasted resources, overcapacity, low profits, and poor drug efficacy. Since 2016, the State Food and Drug Administration began to implement consistency evaluation in the pharmaceutical industry. The varieties of industry leaders with high-quality resources continue to pass the consistency evaluation in advance. While these companies have gained first-mover advantages, they have begun to carry out another round of large-scale mergers and acquisitions, varieties that have passed the consistency evaluation have also begun to expand production capacity and develop large single product strategies. On the one hand, they continue to expand investment in research and development, and on the other hand, they have also begun to purchase higher-end and smarter production lines in order to further improve production efficiency and reduce Manufacturing costs. However, the domestic pharmaceutical machine market is similar to the downstream pharmaceutical market. There are foreign imported products that are too expensive to bear, domestic high-end products are in short supply, but the market is full of shoddy products. Take the 24-track electronic counting machine as an example: the original imported one in Germany costs about 8 million RMB, while the price of domestic low-end equipment is still less than its 1/20, but the price is cheap at the same time, the accuracy and stability of the equipment are also greatly reduced.
Under the new situation that the market constantly calls for replacing imported domestic high-end pharmaceutical equipment, Guangzhou Canaan Mite Intelligent Packaging Equipment Co., Ltd., as the holding subsidiary of Canaan Science and Technology, a leading solid preparation enterprise in the domestic pharmaceutical industry, takes the lead in becoming the high-end equipment supplier of domestic solid preparation bottled production line. Based on the development idea of intelligence and unmanned, it is aimed at the international leading brands in this industry, in just a short time, we entered the ranks of the first camp in China. We know that the management level and technical ability of the team need to be further improved. The current domestic machining level, the quality of spare parts and the vicious competition in the industry will cause obstacles to our rapid development. To compete with those international brands that have the advantage, instead of shrinking and waiting to die, it is better to make up your mind and fight back, therefore, with the strong support of the parent company in terms of funds, management and market, and taking advantage of its own technological research and development advantages, a series of new products have been continuously launched at the four pharmaceutical machine exhibitions in Fuzhou, Qingdao, Changsha and Chongqing, including linear material gate servo counting machine, rotary material gate servo counting machine, linear servo capping machine, pellet counting grain packaging integrated machine, counting grain precision detector, etc., starting with new technologies and new products, canaan Mite's products have gradually been recognized by many high-end brand customers.