Towards a pharmaceutical equipment power is the industry's urgent need to break through the subject

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The domestic pharmaceutical machine market has been expanding at an alarming rate. It is expected that by 2016, it will quadruple or even triple the scale of expansion on the basis of the existing 15 billion yuan. Under the supervision of the new medical reform and the new five-year plan, the pharmaceutical equipment industry will clearly benefit. The technological content of equipment means a substantial reduction in costs, which brings huge economic benefits. However, we have to admit that at present, many enterprises in China are still in the stage of imitation, improvement and combination in the technical level, and have not reached the level of innovation or exceeding the level of similar products in the world. In the pharmaceutical equipment industry, there are not many enterprises that increase investment in equipment science and technology.

The domestic pharmaceutical machine market has been expanding at an alarming rate. It is expected that by 2016, it will quadruple or even triple the scale of expansion on the basis of the existing 15 billion yuan. In the new medical reform it brings
However, we have to admit that at present, many enterprises in China are still in the stage of imitation, improvement and combination in the technical level, and have not reached the level of innovation or exceeding the level of similar products in the world. In the pharmaceutical equipment industry, there are not many enterprises that increase investment in equipment science and technology, which is a situation that the industry needs to change urgently. For a long time, due to the production standards lagging behind international standards for a long time, China's pharmaceutical equipment has been criticized by the international market in terms of quality level, and there have also been some trade frictions.
There have also been some trade frictions.
What is gratifying is that with the implementation of the new version of GMP, my country's pharmaceutical industry has achieved international standards in production standards, and will further accelerate to the international market. Further accelerate to the international market further accelerate to the international market.
Pharmaceutical machinery industry is a special specialty, which integrates pharmaceutical technology, biotechnology, chemical machinery, machinery and manufacturing technology, acoustics, optics, automation control, computer application and other specialties. Therefore, its development has a great relationship with various industries.
How to realize the transformation from quantity accumulation to quality, and how to realize the leap from a big country of pharmaceutical equipment to a powerful country of pharmaceutical equipment, is a difficult problem perplexing the further development of the industry, and it is also a topic that needs to be solved by people inside and outside the industry.
Industry insiders said: For those companies that do not have strong technical and financial support, they can cooperate with some pharmaceutical design institutes and research institutes to participate in the development of new drugs and process improvement of pharmaceutical companies, and strengthen the regular maintenance of equipment and customers. Training to win more customers. (from China pharmaceutical network integration)